Do you yearn to make your living from fiction? Do you struggle to finish your manuscript because of block, indecision, or lack of confidence in your story? Have you already published books and just aren’t getting the sales you want? The truth is, the thing that really makes a difference in book sales is not currently being taught in the fiction author space. And it comes from the story level, not the marketing level. Real talk: if you don’t get it right at the story level, no amount of awesome marketing is going to make your book a best seller. Hi, I’m Liesel. I have 20 books, 4 genres, the USA today best-seller accolade, and multiple award wins under my belt. So, obviously I’ve been around the block few times. I have a lot of readers that follow me from genre to genre even though conventional wisdom says that’s rare. Why? Because my readers know that I know how to tell a story that’s going to make them feel something. And if you can master that skill you can write anything you want for the rest of your life and KNOW that it will be well received by readers. Which means better reviews, more gushing, more mega fans, and best of all, more royalties for you. Grab your fuzzy slippers and your chocolate of choice. I’m going to teach you how to emotionally engineer your story into the hearts and minds of your readers on purpose. Let’s go!

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thanks so much for listening today.
Read full show notes HERE.
If you found value in today's story, do me a favor and drop me a review on iTunes. It would help me out a ton! I so appreciate all of your support!
Make sure to join the free Prolific Author community here: www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor/
Support my D.E.A.D Boxed set here: https://books2read.com/DeadSilent
Hop on a FREE 15-minute Story Clarity Call with me to see if I can be helpful to you here: https://calendly.com/theprolificauthor/clarity15
Author Freebies:
9 Essential Plot Points PDF: https://bit.ly/9plotpoints
Ultimate Villainy Checklist PDF: https://bit.ly/villainchecklist

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Thanks so much for listening today.
Read full show notes HERE.
If you found value in today's story, do me a favor and drop me a review on iTunes. It would help me out a ton! I so appreciate all of your support!
Make sure to join the free Prolific Author community here: www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor/
Hop on a FREE 15-minute Story Clarity Call with me to see if I can be helpful to you here: https://calendly.com/theprolificauthor/clarity15
Author Freebies:
9 Essential Plot Points PDF: https://bit.ly/9plotpoints
Ultimate Villainy Checklist PDF: https://bit.ly/villainchecklist

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Thanks so much for listening today.
Read full show notes HERE.
If you found value in today's story, do me a favor and drop me a review on iTunes. It would help me out a ton! I so appreciate all of your support!
Make sure to join the free Prolific Author community here: www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor/
Support my D.E.A.D Boxed set here: https://books2read.com/DeadSilent
Hop on a FREE 15-minute Story Clarity Call with me to see if I can be helpful to you here: https://calendly.com/theprolificauthor/clarity15
Author Freebies:
9 Essential Plot Points PDF: https://bit.ly/9plotpoints
Ultimate Villainy Checklist PDF: https://bit.ly/villainchecklist

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Ep 45: Prospering as a Writer in 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Thanks so much for listening today.
Read full show notes HERE.
If you found value in today's story, do me a favor and drop me a review on iTunes. It would help me out a ton! I so appreciate all of your support!
Make sure to join the free Prolific Author community here: www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor/
Support my D.E.A.D Boxed set here: https://books2read.com/DeadSilent
Hop on a FREE 15-minute Story Clarity Call with me to see if I can be helpful to you here: https://calendly.com/theprolificauthor/clarity15
Author Freebies:
9 Essential Plot Points PDF: https://bit.ly/9plotpoints
Ultimate Villainy Checklist PDF: https://bit.ly/villainchecklist

Friday Jan 08, 2021
Ep 44: Don't Let Them Water Down Your Story with Author Ivan Scott
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Thanks so much for listening today.
Read full show notes HERE.
If you found value in today's story, do me a favor and drop me a review on iTunes. It would help me out a ton! I so appreciate all of your support!
Make sure to join the free Prolific Author community here: www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor/
Support my D.E.A.D Boxed set here: https://books2read.com/DeadSilent
Hop on a FREE 15-minute Story Clarity Call with me to see if I can be helpful to you here: https://calendly.com/theprolificauthor/clarity15
Author Freebies:
9 Essential Plot Points PDF: https://bit.ly/9plotpoints
Ultimate Villainy Checklist PDF: https://bit.ly/villainchecklist

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Ep 43: 3 Steps to Becoming More Prolific in 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Thanks so much for listening today.
Read full show notes HERE.
If you found value in today's story, do me a favor and drop me a review on iTunes. It would help me out a ton! I so appreciate all of your support!
Make sure to join the free Prolific Author community here: www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor/
Support my D.E.A.D Boxed set here: https://books2read.com/DeadSilent
Hop on a FREE 15-minute Story Clarity Call with me to see if I can be helpful to you here: https://calendly.com/theprolificauthor/clarity15
Author Freebies:
9 Essential Plot Points PDF: https://bit.ly/9plotpoints
Ultimate Villainy Checklist PDF: https://bit.ly/villainchecklist

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Ep 42: Using Stories to Calm Anxiety with Sophie Shaw
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thanks so much for listening today.
Read full show notes HERE.
If you found value in today's story, do me a favor and drop me a review on iTunes. It would help me out a ton! I so appreciate all of your support!
Make sure to join the free Prolific Author community here: www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor/
Support my D.E.A.D Boxed set here: https://books2read.com/DeadSilent
Hop on a FREE 15-minute Story Clarity Call with me to see if I can be helpful to you here: https://calendly.com/theprolificauthor/clarity15
Author Freebies:
9 Essential Plot Points PDF: https://bit.ly/9plotpoints
Ultimate Villainy Checklist PDF: https://bit.ly/villainchecklist

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Thanks so much for listening today.
Read full show notes HERE.
If you found value in today's story, do me a favor and drop me a review on iTunes. It would help me out a ton! I so appreciate all of your support!
Make sure to join the free Prolific Author community here: www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor/
Support my D.E.A.D Boxed set here: https://books2read.com/DeadSilent
Hop on a FREE 15-minute Story Clarity Call with me to see if I can be helpful to you here: https://calendly.com/theprolificauthor/clarity15
Author Freebies:
9 Essential Plot Points PDF: https://bit.ly/9plotpoints
Ultimate Villainy Checklist PDF: https://bit.ly/villainchecklist

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Ep 40: Write What You Fear to Write with Amanda Warne
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Thanks so much for listening today.
Read full show notes HERE.
If you found value in today's story, do me a favor and drop me a review on iTunes. It would help me out a ton! I so appreciate all of your support!
Make sure to join the free Prolific Author community here: www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor/
Support my D.E.A.D Boxed set here: https://books2read.com/DeadSilent
Hop on a FREE 15-minute Story Clarity Call with me to see if I can be helpful to you here: https://calendly.com/theprolificauthor/clarity15
Author Freebies:
9 Essential Plot Points PDF: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/9plotpoints
Ultimate Villainy Checklist PDF: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/11a8a157e1

Monday Dec 07, 2020
Ep 39: Dreadful Fiction Dialogue? 2 Tips and 3 Resources to Make it Pop
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Thanks so much for listening today.
Read full show notes HERE.
If you found value in today's story, do me a favor and drop me a review on iTunes. It would help me out a ton! I so appreciate all of your support!
Make sure to join the free Prolific Author community here: www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor/
Support my D.E.A.D Boxed set here: https://books2read.com/DeadSilent
Hop on a FREE 15-minute Story Clarity Call with me to see if I can be helpful to you here: https://calendly.com/theprolificauthor/clarity15
Author Freebies:
9 Essential Plot Points PDF: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/9plotpoints
Ultimate Villainy Checklist PDF: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/11a8a157e1