Do you yearn to make your living from fiction? Do you struggle to finish your manuscript because of block, indecision, or lack of confidence in your story? Have you already published books and just aren’t getting the sales you want? The truth is, the thing that really makes a difference in book sales is not currently being taught in the fiction author space. And it comes from the story level, not the marketing level. Real talk: if you don’t get it right at the story level, no amount of awesome marketing is going to make your book a best seller. Hi, I’m Liesel. I have 20 books, 4 genres, the USA today best-seller accolade, and multiple award wins under my belt. So, obviously I’ve been around the block few times. I have a lot of readers that follow me from genre to genre even though conventional wisdom says that’s rare. Why? Because my readers know that I know how to tell a story that’s going to make them feel something. And if you can master that skill you can write anything you want for the rest of your life and KNOW that it will be well received by readers. Which means better reviews, more gushing, more mega fans, and best of all, more royalties for you. Grab your fuzzy slippers and your chocolate of choice. I’m going to teach you how to emotionally engineer your story into the hearts and minds of your readers on purpose. Let’s go!

Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Full show notes here: www.authorlkhill.com/post/ep138
5 Steps to Planning the Beginning, Middle, and End of Your Fiction Story: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/15ce876ece
7 Ways to Sell Your Book Every Month Without Breaking the Bank: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/6ab8a5aa2e
10 Plot-Thickening Events that Every Fiction Best Seller Includes: https://bit.ly/10Plot
(Where possible, I use affiliate links.)
Connect With Me on Social Media:
Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_prolificauthor
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theprolificauthor
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/lkhillbooks
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lkhillbooks

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Ep 137: Having Trouble Finishing Your Story? Here’s Why and How to Fix It!
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Full show notes here: www.authorlkhill.com/post/ep137
Get on the Waitlist for Master Storyteller: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/7b473a5bee
FREE PDFs: 5 Steps to Planning the Beginning, Middle, and End of Your Fiction Story: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/15ce876ece
7 Ways to Sell Your Book Every Month Without Breaking the Bank: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/6ab8a5aa2e
10 Plot-Thickening Events that Every Fiction Best Seller Includes: https://bit.ly/10Plot
(Where possible, I use affiliate links.) Check out CONVERTKIT, the NUMBER ONE EMAIL AUTORESPONDER FOR AUTHORS: https://bit.ly/TPAEmail
Connect With Me on Social Media:
Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_prolificauthor
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theprolificauthor
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/lkhillbooks
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lkhillbooks

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Full Show Notes here: www.authorlkhill.com/post/ep135
In this video interview, I speak with accomplished author Nicole York, who is a photographer, a content writer, and now a fiction author. After so many years and so much experience in the business, Nicole is a wealth of knowledge and information when it comes to effective authoring. We discuss:
1) Storytelling through various mediums
2) How to craft powerful character voices
3) The balance of trusting your audience vs. holding their hands
4) The true definition of character voice
5) Why you should be watching Netflix ;D
And more!
So give this interview a listen! I guarantee you'll learn a few things!
Interested in THE PROLIFIC AUTHOR MEMBERSHIP? If you're interested in becoming a Master Storyteller and a Master Book Marketer, I'd love for you to join us inside the Prolific Author Membership. You'll get easy, step-by-step training each month that you can implement in small amounts of time and with minimal expense, but that will still give you fantastic results!
Details and pricing here: https://faba.authorlkhill.com/tpamembership
5 Steps to Planning the Beginning, Middle, and End of Your Fiction Story: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/15ce876ece
7 Ways to Sell Your Book Every Month Without Breaking the Bank: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/6ab8a5aa2e
10 Plot-Thickening Events that Every Fiction Best Seller Includes: https://bit.ly/10Plot
(Where possible, I use affiliate links.)
Connect With Me on Social Media:
Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_prolificauthor
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theprolificauthor
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/lkhillbooks
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lkhillbooks

Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Ep 136: Successful Writing in a Chaotic Life with Author Lisa M. Lilly
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Full Show Notes HERE: www.authorlkhill.com/post/ep136
In this interview, I talk to multi-genre author Lisa M. Lilly, who aside from writing mysteries, thrillers, and supernatural series, also helps authors with their craft. We have a very enlightening conversation, in which we discuss:
1) The best way to learn about story (hint: by analyzing your favorites)
2) Creating a writing habit even with a chaotic life
3) Success in writing as a second career
4) Lisa's personal framework for story writing
5) How fiction imposes order on our lives
And more!
Give this interview a watch and tell me in the comments what your biggest takeaway is!

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Full Show Notes Here: www.authorlkhill.com/post/ep133
While of course there are plenty of outward strategies for getting reviews, downloads, and sales, there is one major thing that most authors don't do or take into account that makes all the difference in their author success. I talk about
1) Understanding the internal framework
2) Character Transformations
3) Weaving the internal and external together
4) Using cause and effect
5) And more!
Come learn what it is and how to implement it in your author business!

Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Ep 134: Recording Your Own Fiction Audiobooks with Author Andrew J. O’Brien
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Full show notes here: www.authorlkhill.com/post/ep134
In this interview with author Andrew J. O'Brien, we talk about how he has ventured into recording his own audiobooks. It may sound like a daunting task, and perhaps it is for some. But Andrew makes it sound relatively simple and straight forward. We cover:
1) the best software to use
2) Settings and levels for that software
3) What ACX wants and expects for uploaded audio files
4) How recording your own audiobooks can help create a deeper bond with our characters
5) And more!
So if you've ever considered recording your own audiobooks, or if you just don't want to put out the money to hire a narrator, give this episode a listen. I think you'll find it highly valuable!
If you're interested in becoming a Master Storyteller and a Master Book Marketer, I'd love for you to join us inside the Prolific Author Membership. You'll get easy, step-by-step training each month that you can implement in small amounts of time and with minimal expense, but that will still give you fantastic results!
Find out more about the membership here: https://faba.authorlkhill.com/tpamembership
5 Steps to Planning the Beginning, Middle, and End of Your Fiction Story: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/15ce876ece
7 Ways to Sell Your Book Every Month Without Breaking the Bank: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/6ab8a5aa2e
10 Plot-Thickening Events that Every Fiction Best Seller Includes: https://bit.ly/10Plot
(Where possible, I use affiliate links.)
Connect With Me on Social Media:
Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_prolificauthor
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theprolificauthor
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/lkhillbooks
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lkhillbooks

Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Ep 132: Writing Child Characters + WorldBilder.com with Author Tanya Gough
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Full show notes here: www.authorlkhill.com/post/ep132
In this interview, I talk with middle grade author Tanya Karen Gough. We discuss:
1) writing for middle grade as opposed to other age groups
2) how to write child characters
3) writing short stories as opposed to novels
4) her website, storybilder.com, which is a tool for authors to help them build out and understand their stories.
Give today's video a watch and let me know what you think!

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Full show notes here: www.authorlkhill.com/post/ep131
In this live, I discuss the 4 mistakes fiction authors make when trying to increase their word count, and how to fix them. If you want to increase your writing word count, you won't want to miss it!

Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
In this educational interview with Bryan Cohen, he talks to us about running ads for our fiction books, specifically on Amazon. We talk about:
1) Why waiting until you have 3-5 books published to run ads might be bad advice
2) The most important stats for running Amazon Ads
3) How to use your right brain creativity in marketing
4) What to do if you aren't interested in learning ads
5) Whether Bryan should write a modern history of self-publishing
And much more!
So give today's interview a watch to find out if Amazon ads might serve you and your books on your author journey!
Free PDF: 10 Plot-Thickening Events that Every Fiction Best Seller Includes: https://bit.ly/10Plot
Connect With Me on Social Media:
Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_prolificauthor
Tik Tok (For Authors): https://www.tiktok.com/@theprolificauthor
For Authors: Get my Crafting Fiction 101 course, which gives you all the basic elements of great stories you'll need to write compelling fiction: https://bit.ly/CraftingFiction
Author Email Nurture Sequences That Sell Course: https://faba.authorlkhill.com/offers/awxzZzbn
Free PDF: 10 Plot-Thickening Events that Every Fiction Best Seller Includes: https://bit.ly/10Plot
(Where possible, I use affiliate links.)
Check out Convertkit, the Number One Email Autoresponder for Authors: https://bit.ly/TPAEmail

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Full show notes here: www.authorlkhill.com/post/ep129
Dave Chesson is well known in the idie author space. He is constantly creating new, more powerful tools to help authors on their publishing journey. In today's interview, he talks to me about
1) his site, Kindlepreneur
2) what he has planned for his wildly successful software, Publisher Rocket
3) the past, present and future of his soon to be all-in-one tool, Atticus.
4) And much more!
So give today's interview a watch to find out ways that these powerful tools can help you on your way to fiction author success!
Free PDF: 10 Plot-Thickening Events that Every Fiction Best Seller Includes: https://bit.ly/10Plot
Connect With Me on Social Media:
Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theprolificauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_prolificauthor
Tik Tok (For Authors): https://www.tiktok.com/@theprolificauthor
For Authors:
Get my Crafting Fiction 101 course, which gives you all the basic elements of great stories you'll need to write compelling fiction: https://bit.ly/CraftingFiction
Author Email Nurture Sequences That Sell Course: https://faba.authorlkhill.com/offers/awxzZzbn
Free PDF: 10 Plot-Thickening Events that Every Fiction Best Seller Includes: https://bit.ly/10Plot
(Where possible, I use affiliate links.)
Check out Convertkit, the Number One Email Autoresponder for Authors: https://bit.ly/TPAEmail